Our gates are built to last with rugged materials and top-notch craftsmanship, perfect for any tough environment. Designed for durability and ease of use, they offer reliable performance and minimal maintenance across farms, ranches, and various outdoor applications.
GatesCattle Headlocks
Our cattle headlocks are designed for easy and efficient handling, allowing for secure, stress-free access to your herd. Crafted with durability in mind, they are made from hot-dip galvanized steel to ensure long-lasting performance and dependability in any setting.
Cattle HeadlocksSlant Bar Panels
Keep order at the feed bunk and maximize your hay and grain savings with our slant bar panels. Designed to streamline feeding and reduce waste, these panels provide clear, organized access to feed while minimizing spillage and promoting efficient consumption.
Slant Bar PanelsCattle Freestalls
Our Freestalls are galvanized for superior protection, ensuring they stand up to the harshest conditions. We offer a number of styles to match your cows and barn configuration. These heavy-duty stalls are built to last, and deliver unmatched durability and reliability.
Cattle FreestallsCalf Gates
Our calf nursery system simplifies feeding, cleaning, and maintaining calves in a well-ventilated structure, with adjustable gates and easy-to-clean panels. Hot-dipped galvanized steel ensures superior durability and longevity in moisture-rich environments.
Calf GatesFeeders
Designed for large round or square bales, Steinway’s Bale Boss and Fence Row feeders are manufactured to last. End gates allow for easy access for loading or cleaning. Feeders are galvanized and can be customized with self locks to help catch your animals in the feedlot for treatment.
FeedersFair Pens
For years, we’ve been fabricating custom fair pens for county fairs across Ohio and beyond, offering versatile, powder-coated options in fair-specific colors. Easily set up, disassembled, and stored, these pens are perfect for both fairgrounds and hobby farmers.
Fair PensFreezeless Hydrants
The Amish-made, 401 Stainless Steel hydrant is ultra-durable, frost-proof, and corrosion-resistant, designed for a lifetime of use. Its easy-to-operate handle and replaceable parts make it ideal for farms, ranches, and outdoor settings.
Freezeless HydrantsLivestock Waterers
Keep you livestock hydrated and healthy with automatic waterers from Ritchie and Miraco. These waterers are made to stand up to the elements and rough cows, horses, goats, sheep or whatever you are raising.
Livestock WaterersGenerators
WINCO PTO generators, trusted for over 50 years, offer reliable standby power for various needs. Used by thousands, they help farmers save significantly on lost income.
GeneratorsCattle Pest Control
The gold standard in livestock pest control and cattle oilers are the EASY WAY Cattle Care line of products. Tested and proven, the EASY WAY fly fighters, mineral feeder, and cattle scratcher work beautifully and last a very long time.
Cattle Pest ControlFixed Gating
Our heavy-duty fixed gating panels are a great way to create corrals in your barn or feedlot. They are made from the same heavy gauge steel we use on for our barn gates and will last just as long.
Fixed Gating
Bale Boss 12 Hay Feeder
Stop wasting hay by feeding it on the ground or with ineffective bale rings. Join our list of customers who say “Our Bale Boss hay feeder has paid for itself” The interior cage helps to hold hay away from the outside perimeter of the feeder and the heavy-duty plastic floor keeps hay from hitting the ground. Backed by three decades of hay feeder manufacturing experience, Steinway has knocked it out of the park again!
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What Sets Steinway Products Apart?